[Setools] Gjallar status report
goran at krampe.se ()
2007-08-07 13:00:01 UTC
Hi folks!

I am just back from my vacation that lasted whole july and some more.
Since my ISP has been down for about 2 weeks I have been more or less
totally "offline" and I am now gradually catching up on work being done
on Gjallar by Keith, Igor, Balacs and Levente during july.

By summarizing version comments the fruits of july are listed below. I
also left out lots of "small stuff". It looks like a lot of noteworthy
stuff like moving to Seaside 2.8 (involving plenty of work), major work
on offline operation, major improvements on calling external programs
and indexing using swish-e, several improvements to Forms and tons of
other fixes. My hat off to you guys!

I am now trying to make a fresh build, Keith did one recently but I want
to make one myself too. :)

regards, Göran

Snipped from version comments:


- added field grouping
- divider field
- some visual improvements
- added 'Print' link in case view, by clicking on it a printable version
of case view rendered in separate window.
- fixed color settings
- added coloring for stages, but its out of date


- Lots of small rendering code changes in moving over to seaside 2.8
- Moved scripts and styles into Q2GjallarResources
- Loaded disk based resources into Q2GjallarResources
- settings interface
- resources interface
- uses the new WANotCachedDocument that I have put into seaside 2.8.


- Added multiplaform capabilities to Q2MirrorDownloader (untested).
- Removed unused code from Q2Process (old indexing code)
- made soap server port configurable
- Introduced ProcessWrapper for clean handling of external win32
processes instead of Win32Shell. The code can be found at
- Q2MirrorDownloader uses it for downloading a mirror
- Q2Win32SwishEWrapper is completly rewritten

There are some places left using Win32Shell:
- Q2MirrorCreator >> #zipDbWin32
- Win32GraphVizGenerator >> #runOSProcess:with:
- Win32InstallerBuilder >> #buildLists


- indexing updated

- Q2SwishEWrapper class >> #defaultWrapperClass references the
implementor classes directly.
- Q2SwishEWrapper >> #index:with:into: moved to private, because it's
not part of the public api
- Added comments to the public methods
- Added flags (#q2todo) about issues with filepaths containing spaces

- tests added for indexing

- other changes
- Added time measurement to Q2Process >> #searchIndex:.
- Removed obsolate flags from Q2MirrorDownloader >> #downloadDbWin32
- String >> #utf8ToIndexCompatible conforms to standards. It's a bit
ugly, but it probably works better than the previous version.

- added a new test to test swish-e's search operators
- the ? wildcard is only supported from version 2.4.4 and up
- fixed phrase search (it didn't work at all)

- Removed the extra double quotes from Q2FilterStack and
Q2FreeTextFilter, because they killed phrase searching.
- Q2IndexingTests updated, to use double quotes for phrases instead of
hashes (untested).
- Added another check for phrase search testing.

- bug fixed: rowcnt was not initialized when called at Q2FormComponent
#render:label:control:tooltip:help: (to get the error in an previous
version add a filter in View cases)
- fixed: Q2FreeTextFilter's freetext was not initialized
- fixed: Q2FreeTextFilter >> searchProcesses: created Set of Arrays with
UUID's, instead of Set of UUID's
- Q2FilterStack has it's own Q2FreeTextFilter
- Q2FilterStackView and Q2UserCentralView shows swish-e error messages
- Q2FreeTextFilter can store swish-e error messages
- Q2SwishEWrapper now escapes query strings (5cr1p7 |<1dd135 won't have
fun :) (win32 version n/a yet, no tests)
- Minor cleanup
- Q2SwishEWrapper raises an Error, when the query string is invalid.

- Implemented #escape: in Q2Win32SwishEWrapper
- Updated test for swish-e input errors
- Added exploit tests
- Search commands are logged
- Added quotes to protect paths with spaces

- Attachment creation changed.
- Bug fixed: Attachments were moved twice when, they were created from
files collection (instead of formValue).
- in Q2MagmaSessionPool >> #deleteDatabase we send #delete to
MagmaLocalLocation instead of #deleteDatabase according to the change in
its implementation.
- added some settings to initializeMissingDefaultSettings involving
mirroring. These should be merged with Keith's new setting management

- Processes can now recreate their index files. This is how mirrors will
create their own indexes.
